Treatment Approaches
At Forefront Physical Therapy, I begin to understand a patient’s condition based on close attention to his or her detailed medical history and reported symptoms. I then draw upon my knowledge of and experience with a wide range of pain conditions and treatment options. For example, pelvic pain treatment should not be addressed in the same way for everyone. After careful evaluation and differential testing of all systems related to pelvic issues, I target the source(s) of pain in muscles, nerves, joints and organs. Based on this physical therapy assessment, I tailor treatment to alleviate pain, minimize symptoms, shorten recovery time and prevent recurrence. Patient education, an important component of healing and well-being, is also based on these specific findings. With complex pain conditions there is rarely a set recipe for the patient and therapist. It usually takes multiple approaches, pain management techniques, and lifestyle changes to make a lasting change in the physiology and attitude of a patient after months or years of suffering.
Frequency Specific Microcurrent Stimulation
The carefully considered and applied combination of these approaches results in excellent clinical outcomes.
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