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CoreAlign - Art for Forefront Physical Therapy in Oakland


CoreAlign is a new Pilates-like approach to fitness created by Israeli physical therapist Jonathan Hoffman. The objective of employing this technique is to achieve greater trunk control and core abdominal and pelvic floor tone, while simultaneously strengthening the arms and legs. The equipment design puts minimal strain on the neck and spine because all work on it is done in a standing position. For instance, to strengthen the abdominal muscles on CoreAlign a person does not need to lift the head as is done when lying on the floor performing crunches.

People at all levels of ability can take advantage of CoreAlign exercises because of its gradated resistive stretch bands. Movements can also  be individualized to account for the patient’s conditioning and injury status. Leigh is one of only a few health practitioners who have trained on this equipment. She is pioneering its use in the Bay Area medical arena.

 CoreAlign – Pelvic Rehabilitation Center – Oakland – East Bay – San Francisco Bay Area

Email us at to set up an appointment time. A 15 minute phone consultation is available free of charge to answer questions regarding any of your concerns.

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